Solar Energy

Solar: A Clean Energy Solution

The sun is the largest producer of energy in our solar system. Solar energy is free, and its supplies are unlimited. Using solar energy produces no air or water pollution when converting the sun’s rays into energy. Although a good supply of energy, harnessing solar power is expensive and efficiency is still being improved as solar power also does not work at night.

There are different applications for solar power.

Solar Cells

Solar Cells (really called “photovoltaic” or “photoelectric” cells) that convert light directly into electricity. In a sunny climate, you can get enough power to run a 100W light bulb from just one square meter of solar panel.

Photovoltaic (PV) cells are devices that convert sunlight to electricity, bypassing thermodynamic cycles and mechanical generators. PV stands for photo (light) and voltaic (electricity), whereby sunlight photons free electrons from common silicon.

Solar Water Heating

Solar water heating is where heat from the sun is used to heat water in glass panels on your roof. This means you don’t need to use so much gas or electricity to heat your water at home. Water is pumped through pipes in the panel. The pipes are painted black, so they get hot when the Sun shines on them.

Water heating is one of the most cost-effective uses of solar energy, providing hot water for showers, dishwashers and clothes washers. Every year, several thousands of new solar water heaters are installed worldwide. Solar water heaters are designed to last many years with little maintenance. A solar water heater can reduce your water heating energy needs by one-half, giving you significant dollar savings as well as clean energy.

Solar water heating

As one of our greatest renewable energy sources, solar is part of NV GEBE commitment to a clean energy future. If you’re interested in solar energy, here are a few things to keep in mind.

Solar Energy System

A solar energy system, or solar PV system (photovoltaic system), uses individual solar cells on a solar panel to capture sunlight and convert it into energy. Modern technology can harness solar energy for a variety of uses, including lights and appliances, electronics and business equipment – even electric cars.

Benefits of Going Solar

With access to clean energy choices like solar, you can help the planet by reducing your dependence on fossil fuels.

  • Solar is the most abundantly available energy supply
  • Solar energy helps reduce global warming by reducing greenhouse gases
  • Solar energy produces zero emissions

Solar for Your Home

To help make solar a reality for your home, we are developing a simple solar adoption process. Consider a solar option that best fits your home and lifestyle.

Solar Grid System

What You Need to Know

When you’re ready for a private solar system, there are many things to consider. There are a number of variables that would determine your cost to install solar and the amount of energy your panels might produce, including the size of your home or business, tree cover and size, shape and slope of the rooftop. A certified solar installer would be able to answer your questions.

Savings will depend on how much energy you use compared to how much energy your system produces. You will always be connected to the grid – so if the sun isn’t shining, you’ll have the power you need.